Jim you win the award for both the first and most productive comment on the last topic. Training is a great idea Jim. We used to have training of sorts. It was pretty bad.
So todays questions:
Have we ever had a class you learned something from?
Who taught it?
What should we be teaching?
How do you get a Journeyman who already has a position on the active work roster and gets plenty of work watching skilled stagehands work come in and learn basic stagecraft?
How much does a clove hitch degrade the strength of the rope its tied into?
The only class I ever took was Jim's sound class at Jones Hall and to my knowledge his class was the only class offered. The class was great and he put alot of effort into it. We had pages of reading material that he gave out and we all brought music CD's to the class that we got to play in Jones Hall and edit the sound quality. Jim taught the class two years in a row and I attended both classes. I think we need a.... Propmaster class,
Electrican class,
Stage lighting class,
Rigging class,
Stewart training,
Carpentry class and more
Sound class
i was required to go through classes for all four departments before i could get my permanent number on the roster. it was a little bit of hassle, but in the long run it was worth it. what happened to that policy?
The clove hitch reduces the breaking strength of a rope by about 25%
This is actually quite good compared with other knots.
For example, a square knot reduces the breaking strength by about 55%
The Express Blog Masters course for brillant people.
Please try not to be SO JEALOUS OF ME!
sorry concerned, i tried...
i told you that chances were slim that anything could be accomplished on this blog. i do enjoy being called "bitch" though. it warms the heart, ya know?
Sorry, Concerned Union Member...True Blogmaster...
I am trying to stick to the TRAINING ISSUE topic
Hey concerned, or whoever you're pretending to be this week, why don't you want anyone to know who is running this blog thing?
If you want some respect for your opinions, COME OUT OF THE FREAKIN CLOSET.
obviously, we are going over old, tired ground with trying to figure out the identity of the Concerned Union Member. what difference does it make?
i like that spin on "concerned" mr. corncerned!
I do cocaine!
"Thats a tough pill to swallow"
hey evil santa....errr timeclock
what is your "thing"?
grabbing your ankles and letting everyone punch in?
catchin donut dough facials?
i would love to see that glaze drip thru your beard.
based on that last one, maybe there should be a discussion on the guidelines of sexual harassment? or maybe better, an all out bar brawl on the guidelines of sexual harassment.
Didnt the new E Board look good standing up there today...
so ehaw and timeclock
clovehitches and ky on the pinrail tomorrow nite?
thome thwashbucklin an donuts
just my kind of stagehand hijinks
no rope burns pleeeeez
Where is the mighty keeper of this blog hidding ? Isnt it time to change the topic and update ? It's almost as bad as the area 51 webpage . Must be working long hours or sumfin ???
lame Lame LAme LAMe LAME LAME!
I know, Jeff Lanes is the new Blog owner. hat's why there ha sonly ever been one post.
Listen retards, Jim can't answer all of HIS retorical statements and YOURS! I am, er, He is just a Man (who likes wearing panties)!
Worship his assholiness, Jim the tidy whitey,give us another sacrificial lamb to slaughter. Peers are cheap, and they don't fit too well into my plan for total supremecy. By the way, I DON'T WEAR DRAWERS, OKAY!? Slows me down when I try to lay some pipe down in Fudgeland.
Ok I guess the blog has run its course. New ownership often lacks the talent and passion that it took to make something like this successful and attractive. People buy successful restaurants every day and inevitably tweak the menu and fail. To the original talent behind this blog I must say I was impressed. To the new blog owners I will say that this is what happens to all good ideas when your no longer free to follow your individual thoughts minus the show of hands. Too many cooks in the kitchen I guess.
oh the horror!!!
jimmy c i didnt think you had it in ya. ya had it in someone else.
sneaky dog do you lik yosef clean after?
Confucius Say:
Give a stagehand a donut and his mouth is busy chewing.
Stagehand without donut in his mouth is busy jawing.
The moral:
Stuff a donut in your mouth and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
While there HAVE been some great ideas and posts on this site, it always has and always will be a substitution for the bullshit sessions that happen on the smoking dock.
I'm just astounded that there are so many stagehands that can actually type and sometimes assemble a coherent thought.
If you REALLY want a functional Local 51 website, put your ideas on paper, (hold the obscenities),
and mail it to the office. Please do not be afraid to use your name.
The only way to be taken seriously is to act and speak like you mean it.
hey sneaky blog dog
i thought it was the genital warts that slow you down when you are tryinh to lay pipe.
if you and your partner both have genital warts, wouldnt that be a lumpy hump?
The blog is now officially worthless. I guess that's to be expected when unnamed bloggers take no responsibility for their own actions.
This new and improved unnamed blogmaster isn't worth a pile of leftover donut powder. At least when Capfer was running it, there was some content along with the slander, profanity and idiocy.
Did I just "out" the former blogmaster? Sorry.
I'm sick and tired of all you Bush haters. The man is a genius! They way he is articulate when giving speeches and the way he playfully changes even the most common phrases into something unique, witty and special is masterful. You are all haters!
Iraq deserved to be invaded. Did you see those statues of Saddam all over Baghdad? Awful statues. The sculptor must have been blind. They deserved to be brought down.
And all you haters who complain about "Mission Accomplished." Bush accomplished the mission quite fine -- the price of Haliburton stock went up. Why are you all complaining?
And when he rubbed German Chancellor Angela Merkel's shoulders while at an international meeting -- he was just being nice. It was easy to confuse her look of relaxation with one of sheer terror. She's German. They act weird over there. But Bush was just easing the tension.
And the destruction of American goodwill across the world? I say good riddance. America doesn't need good will because we have F-22 Raptors. We're awesome. The other countries are not so awesome. Long live the US of A. We kick ass and we're not taking names. Well, we'll take some names as long as they sound Middle Eastern. But really, have you seen Middle Eastern names? What's up with that? We need a law in Iraq to change everyone's name to Dick and Bush. It would be awesome.
Everything is awesome! The country is on the right direction! I'm just glad Bush prevented Al Gore from stealing the election in 2000. Sure, some might say that the Supreme Court vote in Bush v. Gore was arbitrary but, let me tell you, arbitrary laws are the best! They're awesome! Who needs laws anyway? Well, besides the common people.
Stop hating. Start loving!
This blog for better or for worse is really funny and informative at times
We all are so disconnected from each other in our comments it gives me a good laugh /one thing for sure We sure know how to VENT
Let Freedom ring! WHERE IS THE BLOGMASTER....WE NEED A NEW TOPIC! Any body have any topic suggestions?
I know what is best for you. You need Mama to take care of you because you are too stupid to do anything without Mama. I did npt have sexual relations with that woman, either. Not THAT woman, anyways.
I have PMS. Leave me alone or I will start crying again.
Hey Hillary
It was Bill with the sexual relations with women not Hillary Get your facts straight
Also it is Hillary Rodman Clinton not Obama
What Planet are u on? Better check with your mama!
Orgasmimo Mijo Fat Beamer Boy
Take your own advise and get out before you die betweeen cues old fart
What a shame that this blog has turned into such crap. It had such a chance to be something special . Goodbye.
good riddance to last evil santa
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