during our 15 minute coffee break. can we please try to masticate with our mouths closed. please! masticating with an open mouth is just.....well......disturbing.
Local site still blows just a blank page, how lame Don't you have some old picture of Nole Crenshaw with a hammer that says "under construction" anything?
lame (adj.) O.E. lama, from P.Gmc. *lamon (cf. O.N. lami, Du., O.Fris. lam, Ger. lahm "lame"), "weak-limbed," lit. "broken," from PIE base *lem- "to break" (cf. O.C.S. lomiti "to break," Lith. luomas "lame"). Sense of "socially awkward" is attested from 1942. Verb meaning "to make lame" is attested from c.1300. Lame-duck was originally (18c.) "any disabled person or thing;" modern sense of "public official serving out term after an election" first recorded 1863 in Amer.Eng., attributed to Vice President Andrew Johnson, in reference to Col. Forney. Lame-brain (n.) is first recorded 1929.
during our 15 minute coffee break. can we please try to masticate with our mouths closed. please! masticating with an open mouth is just.....well......disturbing.
Local site still blows
just a blank page, how lame
Don't you have some old picture of Nole Crenshaw with a hammer that says "under construction"
oh, and e-haw, don't sniff so much glue
lame (adj.)
O.E. lama, from P.Gmc. *lamon (cf. O.N. lami, Du., O.Fris. lam, Ger. lahm "lame"), "weak-limbed," lit. "broken," from PIE base *lem- "to break" (cf. O.C.S. lomiti "to break," Lith. luomas "lame"). Sense of "socially awkward" is attested from 1942. Verb meaning "to make lame" is attested from c.1300. Lame-duck was originally (18c.) "any disabled person or thing;" modern sense of "public official serving out term after an election" first recorded 1863 in Amer.Eng., attributed to Vice President Andrew Johnson, in reference to Col. Forney. Lame-brain (n.) is first recorded 1929.
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