Thursday, January 24, 2008

Who wants to know?

Judging by the intelligent and articulate responses to the last post, is it any wonder that the quality has reached a new low? The only way that people are able to get away with minimal effort is by allowing ourselves to pretend it isn't happening. We really try to understand what makes the people with any kind of perspective continue to beat their heads against the wall when it would be so much easier to join in and become a drone. Good luck with any kind of aspirations with a vision so constricted it makes constipation look enjoyable.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

what do you mean?
I AM a drone.
constipation is,at least, enjoyable as a change from constant diarrhea.

ehaw12gs said...

which sentence has relevance here on this blog? explain your answer:

1. he's a witch. we must stone him!

2. people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

3. let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

4. stone walls do not a prison make.

5. a rolling stone gathers no moss.

6. kill 2 birds with one stone.

7. everybody must get stoned.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Well Somebody is grumpy today.

Oh, and P.S. Haw Haw.
It's not "Hi, how are you?"
It's "How high are you?"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'll take, "he's a witch. we must stone him!" for 400, alex.

ehaw12gs said...

come here.
what is that? it looks like blog to me.
pick up.
feel like blog?
ya, feel like blog.

smell like blog?
ya, smell like blog.
taste like blog?
ya, taste like blog.

good thing we dont step in it.
ung, good thing.

Spadafugiles said...
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Spadafugiles said...

morning ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

It really pisses me off that you disabled the anonymous posting.
I was having so much fun with that.
( Evil Santa, Is that you? )
Oh well Guess I gotta find a new game to play.................

Jim Capfer said...

I noticed, with a bemused grin, that some of the folks that are annoyed that you have to sign it, were the same ones who felt it necessary to resort to questionable comments. The fact that now that commentators are identified, some say the forum has lost its appeal. Interesting.

The Apprentice said...

Hello and Good morning!
I think that ehaw12gs is the best blogger.....BRILLIANT!
I also think that it is good that we have to sign in now because (no offense to anyone) some of the comments were really unfriendly to say the least.
Can we please get back to the training class issue? I think that we need the following classes
Stewart training

Spadafugiles said...

evening all ...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, train Stewart
That will fix everything

Spadafugiles said...

Where did everyone go ?

Anonymous said...

They're scared of having to use their names.