Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Friend of the Arts passes on

I. W. Marks passed away Tuesday. A long time resident of Houston, a business man with a great flair for promotion and a major supporter of the Arts. He gave of his time, his money and his presence to help many organizations become the solid producers they are today.
We offer our condolences to his family and our thanks for giving us such an exceptional member of our community. He will be missed.


Anonymous said...

He sold me a bad rolex .

Anonymous said...

yes,he sold me 3 bad rolex's,he said,hey Jack Mac I'm so sorry here take 5 rolex's,It's on the house

Anonymous said...

5 bad Rolexs does not make up for 3 bad Rolexs. Especially when the hands fall off. On the cattle trail. Then you don't know it's time for your massage. That makes you late for your date, which fucks up the orgy. Never under estimate the value of a good timepiece.
What I'm saying, gentlemen, is "pay attention" to the time.

Anonymous said...

anyone know whats up with the IA website

Anonymous said...

must have time for lime, and while you're at it you'll want some more cheese for what eez.

Anonymous said...

Well said.