Some of the posts have spoke of the hope for change, others of the futility of participating because of the lack of success in getting our leaders to lead. It is the duty of all members to be part of the process by voting, showing up for meetings, complaining to the elected officials, discussing the state of the Union, and generally being a living breathing representative of our trade. Don't get beaten down, don't settle for mediocrity, and don't stop pushing for a better Local. Nobody is going to give you anything that you don't earn. You won't get better at your trade unless you work at it, you won't get better conditions unless you fight for them and you won't get better officials unless you either vote for them or become one... All of our advances have been hard fought, what makes you think today is different?
Maybe the new regine will listen and get answers to questions.Maybe do their elected jobs as defined by our bylaws and not past the buck.By the way where does the buck stop in our local? Anyone?
the buck stops with you, me, and everyone else involved with this local.
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