Drug abuse of any kind affects all that come in contact with it. Most of the major addictions get front page news, while some of the 'legal' jones are hardly mentioned. One 'legal' addiction that gets little press is caffeine.
While at times we all need a little 'pick me up', an excessive amount of caffeine can be as hazardous to rational thinking as a little 'Peruvian marching dust' or any other stimulant.
Let's all reach out to the 'mainstream' abuser and tell them to "Just say NO" and Easy Does It.
The label on a can of Red Bull boasts caffeine, vitamins, a carbohydrate (glucuronolactone), an amino acid (taurine), and about five teaspoons of sugar.
We tested Red Bull for those ingredients. We hired a laboratory to analyze the contents of the slender silver and blue can – and sure enough, the label’s no bull. A 250 ml can of Red Bull contains, among other ingredients:
- 80 mg of caffeine (more than three times the caffeine that’s in the same amount of Coke)
- 1000 mg of taurine, an amino acid
Concernedstagehand posted: "We tested Red Bull for those ingredients. We hired a laboratory ..."
Who is 'we' that ordered and funded this testing? Was it you, concernedstagehand, or did you plagerize someone else's work?
Seems as though a lot of what is posted here has been taken, without credit given, from the efforts of others. This speaks volumes. Anonymous bloggers do not speak in any official capacity, yet hold themselves out as an authoritative source of information for others to believe. When one places text and graphics that were created by others, implying that it was one's own work, a pall is cast upon the entire organization. No person particpating in this blog, anonymous or named, as of this posting, speaks in any official capacity for myself or any other member of [the local].
This missive was taken from another blog, with minor editing to fit the situation. I don't have a link to it available, sorry.
Love and kisses to one and all,
[signed]George W. Bushytail, the squirrel among the nuts.
correction... the previous comment was directed to the blog owner, "concerned union member" and not to "concernedstagehand". My bad.
Love and kisses to one and all,
[signed]George W. Bushytail, the squirrel among the nuts.
Smoking is alot more toxic to the person smoking and to those around that have to breath in the second hand smoke.
Smoke free equals Cancer Free which equals a longer healthier life.
I think that all loading dock areas should be smoke free environments.
Dear anonymous.
Hope the corrections meet with your approval. We though the italicized font would let you know it was from a source, other than ourselves. It was taken from an actual news article and not a blog.
As far as the rest of your comment goes, lighten up...
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