All for community involvement as long as it's not an Art Car...We have enough of those damn liberal badge wearing monkeys driving their rusty tributes to Sandford & Son's final season as it is. Please don't encourage these people! I love art but I can't stand these liberal cults that would have us all driving a bottle cap incrusted rolling trash can with four bald tires. Hell I can't get my damn car inspected if I where missing a emissions hose or a horn yet these idiots get a free pass to endanger me and my family with their rolling time bombs. They should be banned from the road before someone gets hurt and when it happens don't say I didn't warn you. Send em all back to California so they can fall into the sea!
not just an artcar, but, an art remote control car. preferably, an art helicopter!
how about a puppet show . with a little puppet stage. but, the story revolves more around how the hands make the show happen. with little puppet rail guys. and little puppet prop guys. and puppet electricians. and puppet carpenters. but, real sound guys because we are puppets to no one! i mean....uh....little puppet sound guys too.
How about getting a cooking team,so we can have a booth at the livestock show and rodeo,have Dwight Morgan as the lead cook.We should be more involved in the community but at what extent,I don't know?????????
Not for an Art car, but how can any Union Member, who isn't a house guy and makes 80k a year, be a Republican!?! The Republicans hate unions and always vote against us? Don't let them define your world with their terms which lable Liberal as bad and DIVIDES US.
Union is a Liberal idea.(FACT) Union is a good idea.(FACT) Therefor Liberal is a good idea. Logic, it works . . .like we do.
Disclaimer; The Republicans also dump a bunch of crap into the lable of Liberal that most Liberals don't support. Use your brain, its a muscle that needs exercise too.
community involvement would be a great thing.
not sure to what extent we should be involved or with which organizations, but we should do something more than what we do now.
we can't keep an internet site updated and running and now you want us to be reponsible for a car
not with any of my money yer not
Star of Hope is a great organization to get involved in. They help homeless men, women and children in the Houston area
All for community involvement as long as it's not an Art Car...We have enough of those damn liberal badge wearing monkeys driving their rusty tributes to Sandford & Son's final season as it is. Please don't encourage these people! I love art but I can't stand these liberal cults that would have us all driving a bottle cap incrusted rolling trash can with four bald tires. Hell I can't get my damn car inspected if I where missing a emissions hose or a horn yet these idiots get a free pass to endanger me and my family with their rolling time bombs. They should be banned from the road before someone gets hurt and when it happens don't say I didn't warn you. Send em all back to California so they can fall into the sea!
The Only Republican
come on people.
not just an artcar, but, an art remote control car. preferably, an art helicopter!
how about a puppet show . with a little puppet stage. but, the story revolves more around how the hands make the show happen. with little puppet rail guys. and little puppet prop guys. and puppet electricians. and puppet carpenters. but, real sound guys because we are puppets to no one!
i mean....uh....little puppet sound guys too.
Yes we are puppets to no one!
What the??? Where the hell am I? This must be hell??? No it has to be a bad dream...I haven't paid my stamps so this has to be a dream.... Art Cars ??
How about getting a cooking team,so we can have a booth at the livestock show and rodeo,have Dwight Morgan as the lead cook.We should be more involved in the community but at what extent,I don't know?????????
Not for an Art car, but how can any Union Member, who isn't a house guy and makes 80k a year, be a Republican!?! The Republicans hate unions and always vote against us? Don't let them define your world with their terms which lable Liberal as bad and DIVIDES US.
Union is a Liberal idea.(FACT)
Union is a good idea.(FACT)
Therefor Liberal is a good idea.
it works . . .like we do.
Disclaimer; The Republicans also dump a bunch of crap into the lable of Liberal that most Liberals don't support. Use your brain, its a muscle that needs exercise too.
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