Calling all hands! Leave a topic for a blog and we will post it later today or tomorrow. The blog's life expectancy seems to be dwindling, since all the candidates promise to make the Local website more member friendly... Talk is cheap...
I think we could have alot of fun on this web site if we talk about high school. I know alot of people on this site have not been in high school in a while, yet I do think it would be amusing if we lable each other with teenage stereotypes.
How about we talk about Tom Sprague's $300 steak dinner. He took Kenneth Trammel out, gave him a a 65 year pin, a plack to commemorate the moment and a big dinner for them and their wives. Then he charges it back to the Local and Scott pays it with no questions asked. Now, discuss among yourselves.
there was a teacher at my school that was real cool. all the kids thought she was really cool. one day, she asked two boys to give a kinda nerdy girl a wedgie. there was something about the girls 'first period' and blood and embarrasment. and fainting and blood and screaming., and hit the head on something...and the teacher got fired, and everybody had a problem with the girl beyond that. the two football/wedgie players were still cool.
i dont think anyone in our local fits into any of those characters. when he said highschool, that was the first thing to pop in my mind.
oh, the actual topical answer/ointment: Local 51 artcar
heard thru the grapevine... possible merger with beaumont local 183. guess they heard that people will drive to and from galveston for work. maybe if we throw in donuts, it might be worth it. hell, who knows...we might end up with some backwoods inbred fellas (insert theme from deliverance here) that know a thing or two about tying knots and catchin dem donuts. yeeeehaaaw!!!!
To be fair I also understand that he took Don Jackson and his wife to dinner as well. 65 years of service to your local: a pin dinner for your wife and friends: $300 billed back to your local getting a new president for your local: priceless
I sure don't see a problem with buying one of our Founding Union members dinner. Just remember they are our history!!! He is our oldest member!!! Do you think he paid his Dues??? Get a Life!!!!
Let me help you out here WB (and let me say first that I mean no disrespect to either Brother Jackson or Brother Trammel). Local 51 was received it's charter from the international in 1899 (thats 108 years ago). So either we owe him a 108 year service pin (and I would say two steak dinners) or you are mistaken about him being a founding member. I am sure they have both paid there dues (both in cash and in the struggle to make our position stronger). I think most of us where just unaware that a percentage of our dues are accumulating in a fund that will eventually be used to buy us a steak dinner. Now that we all know that we will all be getting a steak dinner we can go happily back to our life!
Galveston work roster????
I think we could have alot of fun on this web site if we talk about high school. I know alot of people on this site have not been in high school in a while, yet I do think it would be amusing if we lable each other with teenage stereotypes.
How about we talk about Tom Sprague's $300 steak dinner.
He took Kenneth Trammel out, gave him a a 65 year pin, a plack to commemorate the moment and a big dinner for them and their wives.
Then he charges it back to the Local and Scott pays it with no questions asked.
Now, discuss among yourselves.
there was a teacher at my school that was real cool. all the kids thought she was really cool. one day, she asked two boys to give a kinda nerdy girl a wedgie. there was something about the girls 'first period' and blood and embarrasment. and fainting and blood and screaming., and hit the head on something...and the teacher got fired, and everybody had a problem with the girl beyond that. the two football/wedgie players were still cool.
i dont think anyone in our local fits into any of those characters. when he said highschool, that was the first thing to pop in my mind.
oh, the actual topical answer/ointment:
Local 51 artcar
heard thru the grapevine...
possible merger with beaumont local 183. guess they heard that people will drive to and from galveston for work. maybe if we throw in donuts, it might be worth it. hell, who knows...we might end up with some backwoods inbred fellas (insert theme from deliverance here) that know a thing or two about tying knots and catchin dem donuts.
To be fair I also understand that he took Don Jackson and his wife to dinner as well.
65 years of service to your local: a pin
dinner for your wife and friends: $300 billed back to your local
getting a new president for your local: priceless
I sure don't see a problem with buying one of our Founding Union members dinner. Just remember they are our history!!! He is our oldest member!!! Do you think he paid his Dues??? Get a Life!!!!
Let me help you out here WB (and let me say first that I mean no disrespect to either Brother Jackson or Brother Trammel).
Local 51 was received it's charter from the international in 1899 (thats 108 years ago). So either we owe him a 108 year service pin (and I would say two steak dinners) or you are mistaken about him being a founding member. I am sure they have both paid there dues (both in cash and in the struggle to make our position stronger). I think most of us where just unaware that a percentage of our dues are accumulating in a fund that will eventually be used to buy us a steak dinner. Now that we all know that we will all be getting a steak dinner we can go happily back to our life!
Oh, I am sorry.. It was his dad that was one of the founding members..
Make mine a tenderloin, with sauteed mushrooms, maybe Egri Bekver red wine........
Vegetarian food rocks!
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