Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Management and/or Labor

It is hard these days to determine who is really labor and who is management.
We have a number of 'brothers' who seem to spend more time worrying about what management wants rather than what Labor needs.
Time and time, good people are deluded into thinking that by siding with management, they are 'safeguarding' their livelihood but it is just a way to drive a wedge among us.
Take a hand, give him a title, and all of a sudden they forget what it was like to be the worker.
We currently have a number of people in 'true' management positions that have never been asked to take a withdrawal or resign their card. They continue to work both sides of the street, and our elected officials are happy to let them do so, without much restraint.
Only when enough people complain, do we say any action.
In one instance, a member of your local, a member in good standing was removed from an important position because a member of 'management' decided it was a problem for him. Instead of fighting this, another 'brother' put his Official Seal of Approval on it and justified it by saying it was a conflict of interest. It didn't stop the same member from involving himself while still working day to day with said organization. Do as I say, not as I do...
To quote " The best slave is the one who thinks he is free"
Let's not make it easy for anybody to divide us...


Anonymous said...

Do we have to guess who this might be? I'm interested in least.. what employer you are talking of.

Anonymous said...

Let us not (especially us old-timers) that the "official" statement from our national officers, not that long ago,
at a national convention, stated that they thought it was a GOOD IDEA that members seek positions in Management to "work from with-in!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, this my first time viewing this website and it is really very interesting.....we could sure your help in managing the Local 51 website. I think you would do a really great job! : )