Sunday, November 18, 2007

The nominations are closed

Nominations are closed. We know who the next President will be, now it is time to choose who will make up the administration that will lead us for the next three years. The Local's web site does not reflect the final nominations, yet, but we are sure it will, in the next month or two...


Anonymous said...

Barry Thomas

Vice President
Bruce Abbate

Business Agent
Butch Lange

Secretary Treasurer
Scott Firth

Recording Secretary
J.P. Porter

Board of Trustees
Jim Garvey
Mark Rhodes
Chuck Short

Sargeant At Arms
Steven Tristan

Delegate At Large
Dan Nordby Sr.

Pension Board
Bob Little

Death Benefits Board
Tom Rekuc

THIS is your line-up
Make it happen and let's move on.

Anonymous said...

for those of you who have not yet voted, or are on the fence...
this is a good ticket.
while change does not happen overnight, there is a lot of potential on this ticket.
vote your conscience, vote for the future--whatever.
just vote.
and don't vote against someone because you don't like them.
vote FOR somebody you feel will do the best they can in that office.

Anonymous said...

Bruce Abbate ? dont even know him if i fell over him .