Just got an email from someone who applauds the idea of the blog but has some mixed feelings about airing our dirty laundry in public.
It is sometimes hard to allow comments that are false, libelous, and hurtful. It is our hope that when such comments are made, someone with knowledge of the truth will set the record straight. The need for a forum still exists but not a platform for wild accusations.
As far as 'outsiders' reading such things, so many us have taken members of 'management' into confidence, for whatever reason, that it would be hard to find any 'real' secrets out there.
Sometimes things become revealed because it is in the best interest of someone or something to allow it. We, at times, are our own worst enemies when envy or jealousy comes into play.
This is not something unique to our business but Life in general.
So we guess what we are trying to say, is that if you plan on doing something that could considered 'non professional', be prepared to hear about it from someone.
If you have a personal grudge about someone, keep it personal. If it effects you, professionally, try to act professionally. And sometimes just laugh at the lengths people will go to piss you off.
We are all here on day to day basis, regardless of what some people think or tell you. Anytime it becomes too much, take time away and go do something else. Bring your talent to work, and leave the wash at home.
Thanks for the email and the topic for today from someone who is obviously keeping up with the pulse...
seen a lot of messages saying that you should be in charge of local 51. or you should run for president
"he's got my vote, yeee-haww"
i don't see anyone saying "your right! things should change and i'm gonna help make that happen. i think I'll run for some position of authority. i'll make the change happen!"
you all put up or shut up
That is silly..especially your comment put up or shut up. That is just plain rude. In my personal opinion, any even small attempts made for change are stonewalled. Also, anyone saying so and so should run for president is just a plain, simple compliment.
Airing Dirty Laundry ... Hmmmm
OK , sounds like fun. How about the good old opera. Bunch of new peeps on the 6th floor. Its gonna get ugly very soon . I'll keeps ya posted.
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