Sunday, October 14, 2007

more reaction to the hiring decision...

It seems some of the established hands will be working in departments other than audio on TUTS load ins and load outs to show there displeasure with the recent events. It is important to remember we must fulfill our obligations to the Union, maintain our jurisdiction and do the best for all our producers, but if there is a problem with a department head or assistant, it is each man's prerogative to not take a call in that department.
The business agent(s) must be sensitive to the wishes of the rank and file who see little support from the office when it comes to matters of recourse in hiring practices.
To say that we have no final say in the decisions management makes is true but we can have input and hopefully give some direction. Speak out or be shut up.


Anonymous said...

You guy's are Killing me! Protest what? Do any of the people protesting this decision even have experience mixing and designing on this level? What are you going to protest next ? Hell just go home for good and play with your legos. The whining is coming from people that have no background at this level. Well not completely true, Jim you are qualified and then some so sorry the ball was thrown the other way. But thats life and Jim being qualified will go on to be payed for his education and experience. Hey I hear there's a Senate seat open who's got seniority?

Anonymous said...

thank God for the protest. i finally got the chance to have a real stagehand with wit, ability, snap & a good attitude. viva, frank henderson. the hardest working "sound" man, in show business!!!

Jim Capfer said...

If someone thinks that I will not act in any other way, but what I believe in, they don't know me. I have always been what you see, is what you get. I do appreciate the compliment about being qualified but I gave up thinking I was in line for this job in August.

Anonymous said...

Didn't really want to lump you in that group Jim....So excuse me please.... Yes I must admit you have always been refreshingly direct while holding that spear and wearing the helmet with the horns.

Anonymous said...

Viva, Frank Henderson! Hey I heard Jack was the new guitar tech for Ozzy? Can anyone confirm this? Hey if he leaves us then what ? How are we going to fill these audio calls, I mean everybody knows he the last of true sound guys this local has produced. We need like a manual containing some of his experiences in writing....well maybe cave paintings would be more appropriate and deliver the message to the masses more efficiently...Any thoughts?