Why is it impossible to fill an open job with somebody from the Local? There are currently two 'head' audio jobs available that are going unfilled, at least full time.
In both situations, it is so Management can 'try out' prospective candidates. Yet it one case, it seems like a resident department head is 'keeping his options open' but controlling the job while not actually taking the job.
Everybody wants to make a living but we need to remember that these jobs need to be filled to keep the position viable.
The position should be filled permanently and not used as personal leverage. Where is the Business Agent in all this? The ability to 'rig' the hiring process is becoming common place, because nobody is saying otherwise. Remember - Stand Together or Hang Alone!
As someone who has been in the position of having the job, losing a job and waiting for a job, all I can say is that all of these jobs belong to no one. We are just holding the keys for a while. Whenever we try and 'secure' our position, it usually costs in the long run because if the job is not filled by someone as a constant, it becomes 'unnecessary' in some eyes. Of course, if the people hiring are told that a position can be handled 'in house' they soon feel that it is 'better' for all. So instead of there being a job, there becomes a 'temp'.
yeah, i wonder what it's like to be that guy? he must have a lot of power. it must be nice to have that kind of control. wow, i'd love to be that guy!
Sorry but the job was filled.... I had a lot of input with regard to an individual's qualifications. You where on that list Jim along with Cletus. I can say for a fact that Cletus did not control who filled that position and the delay in filling that position had nothing to do with posturing on his part. They just took their time in the selection of a new house audio person. Networking is what makes the world go around and we all know people who are qualified for the position. In the end management at the Hobby Center not Cletus made a decision. Did cletus have some input? Yes but it is only a small piece of what went into that pie.
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