Seems a few people still aren't aware of this blog. If you have been reading and discussing it, send a email to other members and get them involved.
Current work: Ballet trucks this morning, Avenue Q load in, Gay Mens Chorus @ Jones, Symphony matinee tomorrow, Woodlands and Miller this weekend, and at the Convention Center a few events leading up to the Big One next week...
Thank you for posting the work schedule....it would sure look good on the Local 51 website.....
now this is real helpful stuff! thanks for posting constructive info. this is the kind of thing that builds up and supports the local instead of tearing it down. bravo!
What is the big one o silent one? While a forum to discuss items is good doing so in strictly an anonymous styke does nothing but breed discontent and mistrust. If you have a good constructive dialog, then by all means speak your mind, but come out from the shadows and sign your work.
the big one is a large corporate event that starts next week, sometime.
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