We are a bit saddened to hear some of the comments from the job sites about the situation in NY with the League.
Part of the intent of this website is to show how our industry is affected nationally but other local actions. The idea is that KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
If we know the tactics the big boys use to discredit or diminish our part in this business, we can take counter measures to combat them. This usually consists of education, in that most people do not know what it takes to SAFELY and PROFESSIONALLY put in a show. If they knew, that without our experience and training, every trip to a theater could be life threatening to them and to the performers, how many would risk their families and selves to be entertained? How many of them would be willing to give up holidays, weekends and family functions so that this industry might thrive?
A strike is a last resort but one that must always be part of our tool bag. Nobody wins when a strike happens, but sometimes we must stand up, as a whole, and be counted. The producers rely on the fact that most people will act in their own interests when forced. We understand that by only banding together and acting as one, can we protect the rights of the Union. That is something that cannot be taken lightly by anyone who endangers our rights as workers.
We are indeed fortunate, in Houston, by and large we have a great relationship with our local producers. One that is borne of respect and even trust that we will endeavor to do our best for them. It makes irrational demands hard for any to justify when things seem to be in each other's best interest.
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