A couple of comments have been pretty informative, a few have been amusing and others have been, for lack of a better word, childish.
If our 'official' web page wasn't so lame, maybe we could move on to better things...
Look around you and see someone who could use a hand and offer yours.
Better things from better behavior.
Why be critical of our comments and opinions? Isn't the purpose of this blog FREE SPEECH? What is it that YOU ARE LOOKING FOR?
If you think that the Offical Web Page (site) is so lame why don't you try and make it better? All this internet knowledge you have could really be put to good use to help make the Local 51 website the BEST in the Union.
The author wasn't being critical, just factual...
As far as the web page, it seems some folks like to keep us in the dark and would rather not have a true arena for comment
Well, factual according to your personal opinion.
Hopefully, the upcoming elections will change all that and we will be able to vote out anyone who wants to prevent us from going forward and while we are at it lets start a non smoking campaign for stagehands!
The fact is, when we have had a web page for years and we still have nothing to show for it other than a home page. No message boards, no upcoming events, no members page, we don't think that this is offering an opinion but merely stating the facts.
As far our commentary on the commentary, if there is anybody to disprove what has been blogged on, state your name and present your evidence. Regardless of personal feelings, it will still be posted. If you disagree with an opinion, that we have accomplished what we set out to do, which was to create a dialog with each other. The blogs have all been posted with the desire to foster a change in the way we do business.
I could not agree with you more regarding the web page having no No message boards, no upcoming events, no members page. I believe that a union sister at the last meeting brought up about us having our member user ID's and passcodes and was told not today. Since then that option has been REMOVED from the Local 51 Website. That is really wrong.
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