Two schools of thought:
One that the majority of the ballots are in and there are just a few undecided.
Two, that people have committed to voting for candidates and haven't mailed in their ballots yet.
If your ballot is on your desk and not in the mail, it doesn't count and you have wasted your vote.
If you don't vote, don't complain about the results...
When are they due?
I got so thrown off by the 2207 thing that I didn't even look to see the day of the month.
There seems to be a misprint on the ballots on the year, but if the membership can't recognize it for a legitimate mistake, then maybe we should all take a giant step back and look at what we are complaining about. Does any body really think you have to have the ballot in within 200 years or do you think that maybe this year will do? Let stay focused on the important things and complete the voting process to best of our abilities.
What! the ballot was due in 2207...Hey I did not even notice. I rushed my ballot to the post office the next day...Well, what do you know......
Really, I did not mean to start that. Someone look on that ballot you were too damn lazy to mail in and tell me when it said they were supposed to be in.
Tell me its not true, the ballot is incorrect ? Whos running this show ?
here's an idea...
let's invalidate the election.
we can start over, re-nominate,
hire an english major to proof the ballot (after the candidates have corrected the spelling of their names.
then we can run it by the attorneys.
then we hire an outside firm to conduct the election.
all cardholders pay an equal share of the cost of the election.
sounds fair to me.
no...even better:
let's get everyone who wants to rule the world in one room.
tie their hands behind their backs.
throw donuts into the air.
the person that catches the most donuts gets first choice of office.
next highest gets second choice.
and so on and so on.
then we send the winners a photograph of a bunch of stagehands wearing the donuts on their pricks.
mmmm mmmm good.
What do you suppose that means?
Could it mean change as in “hey mister, can you spare some change?”
Could it mean change as in changing the diapers of all the whining babies out there?
Or could it be something deeper…
I consulted noted conspiracy theorist Oliver Stone and the surviving members of the Warren Commission.
Here are their thoughts:
Capfer For Change
Their commercial and industrial value notwithstanding, CFCs have been found to pose a serious environmental threat. Studies undertaken by various scientists during the 1970s revealed that CFCs released into the atmosphere accumulate in the stratosphere, where they had a deleterious effect on the ozone layer. Stratospheric ozone shields living organisms on Earth from the harmful effects of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation; even a relatively small decrease in the stratospheric ozone concentration can result in an increased incidence of skin cancer in humans and in genetic damage in many organisms. In the stratosphere the CFC molecules break down by the action of solar ultraviolet radiation and release their constituent chlorine atoms. These then react with the ozone molecules, resulting in their removal. (see also Index: ozone depletion)
Because of a growing concern over stratospheric ozone depletion and its attendant dangers, a ban was imposed on the use of CFCs in aerosol-spray dispensers in the late 1970s by the United States, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries. In 1990, 93 nations agreed to end production of ozone-depleting chemicals by the end of the century, and in 1992 most of those same countries agreed to end their production of CFCs by 1996.
The esteemed panel concluded that CFC was actually a trigger for a subliminal message as well as the delivery agent.
The message, as far as they can determine, was as follows:
I am in control now. You are a minion. You will do as I say, and you will like it.
The delivery method, loaded with CFC’s, was an aerosol-spray dispenser.
Samples of the spray revealed the odor of BULLSHIT.
I hear those old air-raid sirens going off in the distance.
Now there is a voice saying BROWN AIR ALERT, BROWN AIR ALERT.
If you encounter the substance or it’s carrier, you should run for your life.
Do not attempt to physically intervene. Your ass will be mutilated by the Borg.
If countries can ban CFC’s, maybe so should we.
(Let's ban CFC!!!)
I must admit, even though it makes fun of my slogan, I really enjoyed the comment. I did not realise the subliminal nature of these words until one of our more interesting brothers brought it to our attention. It does bring up one important message - polluting the air with toxic emissions is harmful... And a mind is terrible thing to waste.
you go girl!!!
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