We all know that when things are jumping, the office has to pull in everybody from all aspects to fill the calls. But what is the story will calls being filled by the individual producers with just a passing acknowledgement to the roster? Why are people showing up that are not even on the work roster ahead of members and regulars? Why, after the requested heads and assistants, do friends and family work ahead of senior people who sit at home?
If these people are working from the producer's call, should not all of them be receiving premium pay as the contract demands? Or are they just 'happy' to be working?
The request system was meant to allow producers the option to have someone they believe would be best qualified to run their shows. A request is also asking permission to use these people. Some have forgotten that a request can be denied. Is anybody asking permission any more or is the fact that 'we want them' good enough?
Be specific ??
i think the policy of "qualified seniority" speaks for itself. it shouldn't matter if someone has seniority over a real sound man. if that person is unqualified to do a sound call, they should be sitting at home while a qualified sound man gets the call.
Try thinking a little more outside of the box there cletus.
There is only one way to get "qualified senior sound men" and that is to train them and we all know no less senior sound man is willing to do that!! Then there would be no need to request lower seniority men!! Like Cletus!!
Why so much dicussion about sound men ? Yes they are very important of course , but they make up such a low percentage of the work force in our business here in houston . I guess what iam trying to say is , who really gives a shit about them except them . Most of us make our money with our backs.And as we all know 99% of sound men are frigging nuts anyway .
so keep carrying stuff on your back. at the end of the day, and your career, your back hurts like hell. sound men just go deaf.
You missed my point ....nevermind
the point is on top of your head.
if you REALLY want to learn, and you are of the mindset that no existing soundman is going to teach you anything, then save up some money and go over to hcc and take a class or 6.
then go find a bar band (i'm sure you know what a bar is) and offer to do their sound.
ok, let me clarify. i don't mind training newbies. that is a given. there were plenty of top notch stagehands that were more than willing to help me when i started. and for that i am thankful. but, to use an old truism, you can't teach and old dog new tricks. there are some senior guys who know nothing about sound, they simply think it is the best place to be to stay away from the work. therefore, i find myself doing many things myself because i can't count on them to do it right. that is a shame.
here's another way to put it. would you want a rigger working over your head who is not qualified or less qualified than a younger rigger, just because he's senior?
or, do you think it is a good idea to put an unexperienced light board operator on a show just because he' senior? or what if he's just a bad light board operator and there is a good light board operator sitting at home while the senior "bad" light board operator is out there giving the local a bad name????
that's what i mean by senior qualified.
In response to the original comment, it seems to me that c.u.m. is addressing the practice of nepotism, and less about the request process in general. Unionism in the U.S.A. has evolved into a family business in many industries, the IATSE is no different.
I didn't follow the whole sound man thread. What I got from the topic was the fact that people are getting put on calls, directly from the producers, and not through the office. Plus it sounds like the request premium is not being paid. If this is true, it is a violation of the CBA and should be rectified. If we allow this process to continue, our work roster will be meaningless.
Name one producer who calls a man directly .... hmmmmm
On the ohter hand there are several heads of departments who do it all the time and have been for years ....so , now what ?
GOD am I tired of hearing about the pathetic ignorant bitching of sound men!
How about some propman starts an ignorant bitchy topic.
Or mayebe an electrician could start a bitchy pathetic topic.
Something different, just no Vidiot topics please, Lord knows I'm not that bored.
Riggers to the rescue.
Here's a topic fer ya.
Should the fact that a person has been to school/taken a class/been certified make that person more qualified than a senior rigger who has only had on the job training.
I know of at least one so called"certified" rigger that I never want to work with again.
Also should Butch let Rickie's friends be requested to rig at the GRB for NO extra money. Just to request around certain senior riggers that they don't want working there. Hmmmmmmmmmm
It's who You nob to get the job. Who You blow to get the show & with kin your in!!! I would never want anyone rigging over me that was green!! Experienced ONLY!!! Oh, and well said Cletus!!
work ethic.
what is it.
does it matter.
oh, i don't know anything about nepotism... i've got no relatives in this business. as for calls, i only take what the office sends. i've never requested anybody. on the last show frank henderson, who's never been a deck sound man, was sent to me by butch. he did a great job and i'd have him back anytime. on this show jim capfer, who's got more experience and better credentials than i have, is doing a great job for me. both ends of the spectrum...
now, on with something that chuck might enjoy talking about. hey, i've got it, let's act like it's a local meeting and just let him start randomly yelling at someone for no good reason!
no one in this local is a certified rigger!
what a bunch of slandering punks!do any of you have anything good to say about your brothers?cletus is the only guy on here with class....my hat is off to you...
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