The blog would like to thank all the contributors of comments since it's inception way back in September. Even some of the more rank comments served a purpose in providing a forum for our members to express hope, frustration and humor. We hope the 'official' website will keep this in mind and allow some leeway to the fringe element that is part of all groups.
We will be taking a few days off, maybe, unless something comes up that needs attention. Until then, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes.
THANK YOU, Concerned Union Member. You have done a fantastic job of putting this blog together. Without your idea of this open forum and putting it into action, we would have NEVER heard from members who have given their opinions in this open forum. At first when I heard about it, I was a bit skeptical, but as the blogging went on and ideas and opinions went back and forth, I realized the good coming out of this. Honestly, As a apprentice in Local 51 I have learned alot from brothers who have been around for a long time who blogged on that I may never have even got a chance to have a conversation with.....So here is to you and I hope that you have a fantastic, successful year!
Joann Alicea
Santa, Merry CHRISTmas to you!
bye santa, see you next year.
good riddance!
Evil Santa seems to likes to criticize without having solutions and supporting the status quo at the same time. Just what we need is another mudslinging, do nothing having an opinion on how to improve the situation. Thanks for nothing.
Your most very welcomed.
is evil santa really brandon dismukes?
Hell No.
I don't sign my posts...
O.K I confess, I, Brandon Dismukes, AM Evil Santa.....
Well, at least you finally admitted it after you first denied it.
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