The intent of the last couple of blogs were to create a forum for what you feel is needed in your Local. Instead there has been personal attacks, comments that can be only described as inflammatory since there is no way to judge to verify the information without a name to go with it.
The anonymity part of the forum is to allow you to make comments without fear of retribution but some people feel it is important to throw major mud.
The recent comments on the economic status of some of our members is a perfect example.
By stating someone was a 'house' guy and made X amount but could have made 2X, if not for some, is either a sad plea for attention or else a need to instigate resentments. The truth maybe that the 'house' guy isn't really a 'house' guy but someone who just enjoys trying to widen the 'gulf' that comes between the haves and the have not.
Until you walk in someone's shoes, their situation may or may not look better than yours but if the only way you can succeed is by pulling someone else down, we hope you realise that the grass isn't always greener on the other side.
As a recently retired house guy I can assure everyone the grass is not always greener in house guy land. Sure there is a lot of money to be made as a house guy but you also have very little time for anything other than work. Most if not all of the local house guys would be making a respectable 45K-60K if asked only to work 40 hours per week. Instead most work in excess of 70 hours a week and over 40% of their income is overtime. I'm not saying all this to whine after all I chose those hours for five years. I just wanted to give everyone an accurate picture. Life is about more than work and if you need that extra 30k the house position can get you be prepared to put everything else in your life on hold. Like I said earlier not whining it worked for me for a few years but its important to have an accurate representation of the positions we fill.
i agree with you on this.
on chooses one's path.
surely, house guy's make good money.
surely, they put in a lot of hours.
but it is the path they chose.
i don't think anyone twisted their arms.
i just have one question...
can you clarify your last statement regarding accurate representation of the positions we fill?
are you referring to house positions?
I was referring to a comment left in the previous topic regarding house positions. Its easy for people to exaggerate the reality of positions like these. The comments left in that thread were not entirely accurate and rather inflamatory.
is this the comment you are referring to?
I would tell you what I made as a house guy the last few years but I don't want to be gunned down by some bozo with nothing to offer but a pointing finger!
Oh what the hell, $113k... Choke on it! I didn't sweat much and got quite a few laughs watching some of the uneducated morons who kept me from making $200K. Hell I wouldn't let some of those guys near a box of legos.
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