It has come to our attention that this blog's comments can be read by the blogger before posting. It would mean that each comment would be individually judged by the blogger. In lieu of a real members website that would require a log in, this would 'moderate' some of the commentary.
How do you feel about this? Can we keep the open dialogue or is it time for a little prudent pruning?
Great , just what we need , another member telling us what we should be able to say or read ... just take the site down it wont be worth anything if it is changed ...
Only the few will get to be posted.
This has been a sad day for the blog.The concerned union member will take a day or two to reflect on whether or not to continue
Why is it a sad day ?
well, it was fun while it lasted.
actually, it was FUNKY while it lasted! funky as a monkey, wearing parachute pants.
one thing you can say about the blog.
it was never funny.
it was soooooooooo boring. i would fall asleep trying to read it. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.......
then a dream.
about a little blog that could.
choo choo.
Oh crap! Get over it and pull your damn pants up! What you have started is a great thing that takes time to develop. These people who are speaking their minds anonymous or otherwise have waited for a place to express themselves for a long time.
Listen it was only a matter of time before you became personally offended. After all you created this garden of expression and you had to know deep down inside that eventually someone would take a crap on the damn grass.
Don't eat the apple didn't work out the first time around either. Give your people a chance to redeem themselves and let your blog grow. You started it and you should be proud. Don't cast it aside just because it takes on an identity that is foriegn to you. Give it time to become something that is healthy for all.
After all the best part about this blog is freedom to say what your feeling without subjecting ones self to mob mentality.
I'm sure one of our Brother's could hook you up with something to help you through this trying time.
Heck make the next topic boobs we all love boobs! Its a subject that we can all agree on...
Its also a great way to find out what them thieving bastards are up too according the ED.....
On a serious note....
Toby has come out of the closet and it would be best if we all came together and supported him in this trying time. So please take a moment out of your day during rehearsals to show your support for this brother/sister in his decision to be brave. We all know first hand that ones sexual preference has nothing to do with their abilities to perform in theater unless your talking about dancing of course. So all that said take a moment to shake Toby's hand and for the sake of all our talent please don't ask him to dance.
Welcome to the rainbow Toby!
you homo
i knew he was gay
wow, i never expected this from Toby, jus goes to show you ,You never know who the hell is coming out of the closet..if i wer him id go back into that damn closet...
so , tell us alvino... just how did you know hmmmmm ?
Guys Please!
As the person who has helped Toby accept this life changing truth I ask you to be kind and not distract him while he is working. He will find time to visit with all of you over the next few days. He is shy about what he's feeling and just so know one is mislead he is seeing someone. It takes a real big man to admit who he really is even if the setting is tolerant of one beliefs. So I ask all of you to let him finish his evening in peace and express your joy for him at a more relaxing time. Perhaps you could all chip in on some flowers to brighten his day!
Bob Jarvis
nice to hear that toby has joined you carpenters outside of the closet. put him back when your done with!
Give him a hug! He's still one of us!
How come all of the sexual perverts work at the hobby or tuts ? hmmmmm
I refuse to comment on Toby's abilities outside of work....PIGS!
having spent many nights alone in a hotel room with toby, i happen to know for a fact that he is most definitely NOT... oh wait, what i meant to say is that i've never been alone in a hotel room with toby and i have no knowledge of any illicit acts being performed behind closed doors.
stop looking at me like that!
This is priceless ... lololololol
And the BLOG lives on!
mighty fine boys mighty fine ... lol
See this blog can be used for good and it should remain the one place we all can truly express our feelings. Thank you Toby!
Smoooth as a cat!
Better watch what you say about my brother (from different mother's)Toby. I've taken down very big and stupid ass wipes for saying much lease offensive comments about Toby. We have traveled the country and had to watch each others back when things got tough. Better watch what you say cuz there aint no one I MEAN NO ONE who has softer palms than my bro, Toby
Yeah, Gibolonia
I bet your palms are alot softer then your bro ....As a matter of fact,I bet you have the #1 softest palms
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