This seems to be a hot topic.
Please refrain from profanity, as some of our readers are uncomfortable with it, and try to keep it from being a rant.
Requesting became a reality when some of our members would not do the job they were asked to do and other could. It has mutated into something not intended but will not change unless the rank and file prove that they have the skills and the attitude to do the job.
There are ways for the Local to reclaim some of it's past control of these jobs, but it is our own members that are our worst enemies.
Look to the big picture of what each member needs to contribute to make us a viable body from top to bottom...
Wouldn't do the job?!?
You mean couldn't do the job.
Requesting comes from years and years of sending the same brain-dead troublemakers to the job.
load-in time, you take a bunch of mildly skilled new guys doing the work with a good attitude and send them home and the producer is told his show crew gets cut back to Pate and Ramirez. I'd start requesting too.
We are our own worst enemies, but how do you change that?
Even once you decide that a member is trouble it still takes too long to get him off the roster.
If a guy gets fired off a job, Butch sends him out to work somewhere the next day.
Isn't electing your officials kind of like requesting. Shouldn't we just take the most senior guy and make him President, the next senior gets to be B.A., third senior is the Secretary and so on. Let the Local be run by the senior stagehands who would obviously be the most qualified.
Someone's gonna have to teach them how to run a computer though.
Requesting is here to stay , like it of not . We never used it in the intent it was agreed upon and it has hurt some of us at times . But , if you do a good job and keep your nose clean and stay away from the idiots you will be fine. It's really simple , go to work , do your job, and make you elected officials acountable for contract complaince.
Make them pay more and they'll use it less.
Let them request for nothing and they will start doing it all the time.....
OOps, too late.
O.K. President Wiley, what is your first executive order?
my first order is . ah , um , hmmmm, ..... and now you know how requesting started my friends . lol
How do I get on the Hobby Center 25?
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