Sunday, December 9, 2007

Exchange of Ideas

What is the fixation with the 'yo mama' type of commentary? Do we not have enough real issues to talk about or have we just run out of intelligent and respectful ideas? How boring is it to read tasteless grade school insults? Spend time looking for solutions instead of showing your behind...


Anonymous said...

i know who the trouble makers are. as for why they hate "concerned stagehand", i haven't a clue. i gave up wondering who you are, mr. concern. i'm just having fun posting. maybe it's a control issue with them...

Anonymous said...

Hey "Concerned" Please remove the post from "Racist Bastard"

concerned union member said...

We would assume that the quote 'Racist Bastard' used was meant to show how hateful ignorant commentary can be. We wish that none of the inflammatory comments made were made, but as you can see, if we censor the Media, we put control in the hands of one body instead of THE body.

Anonymous said...

Real issues to consider :

1. THE Budget situation( or lack of one)
2. Opera contract.
3. Galveston
4. New areas of juristriction
5. Contract Compliance Issues
6. Runaway Heads of Dept's .
7. Rickys bullshit

Anonymous said...

hey concerned,

i noticed on your profile that your occupation is listed as agriculture. what is it that you grow?

Anonymous said...

#6 What is the Hobby Center 25?

Anonymous said...

dear racist bastard and I.A. member, I can believe you listen to Savage,You should've heard how he was talking about the I.A.(local one)If he had his way there be no union.You are no union brother.