Saturday, December 29, 2007

Shame on You!

Got a disturbing email from one our members concerning a candidate involved in a runoff. The story we get is that this candidate asked the Election Judges for a list of the members who didn't vote in the last election.

The ability to vote for your officers is a privilege that we feel all member should take advantage of, to insure that the elected officers are the majority's choice. It is also the voters right not to vote for specific candidates or even not vote, if they feel their choices are less than optimal.

The action of voting, not voting is private matter and should be considered as such. After the votes are counted, the matter is finished. Each person acts in the way they feel proper and all voters should be considered as having done their duty, regardless.

To have candidates call or write and mention the fact that some hasn't voted is a direct attack on the purpose behind secret ballots. What were the Election Judges doing in revealing this information to anyone?

To have some one who has been around long enough to know better, we say - What length will you go to be elected? Haven't we had enough of officers who put themselves above the Union, when it comes to their ambition?


Anonymous said...

Thr runoff election should be cancelled at once. There have been too many people who's ballots have been sent back or not accepted by the post man because of a invalid metered stamp. Why cant the election judge get it right hmmmm ? Some members even have not recieved a ballot as of yet. This is a very poor way to run an election .I would like to know who the 40 members who didnt vote in the election were . Maybe they did vote ? Maybe their ballots were sent back or to the dead letter office , in any case this has been a very badly run election and it shouLD be fixed , or perhaps a wise ass like me will go to the department of labor or the nlrb. Howd ya'all like that shit huh ?

Anonymous said...

All I can say is don't sing it, Bring it!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree. If the voting process is having these many problems with the ballots for the run off elections they should be cancelled and the entire process redone.

little red riding hood said...

Interesting !!!

Big Bad Wolf said...

what a lot of poo poo and this is suposed to be a union ????????????

Anonymous said...

hr fg fgn

little red riding hood said...


little red riding hood said...

As a union member in good standing you have the right to contest the election or the process and remain anonymous. Now that a member has come forth with any disbute regaurding this matter his or her voice has been heard.So let us not point fingers at one but fix the problem as one. DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE BIG BLUE BOOK ?

Anonymous said...

How u prove ur member in good standing if ur anonymous

little red riding hood said...

Good point anonymous.Should we ask the chairman of elections?

Anonymous said...

Invalidate ballots that were sent out ... Re mail new ones , there isnt a rush , take your time and do it correcrly ...o yes , and this time use stamps please.

Anonymous said...

Santa, Sounds like a good plan to me....
In the Blue Book Page 35 Section 8 titled CONTESTING OF ELECTIONS SAYS.....
A) A candidate desiring to contest any Election must do so by written petition to the Executive Board, endorsed by 3 full members in good standing. Such written petition must be delivered to the Executive Board within 30 days following the Election to be contested.
Let's just redo the whole thing. Remail the ballots and all members who want to vote will re-vote and mail the ballots back in.

little red riding hood said...

Thank you Big Blue Book i agree

Anonymous said...


Big Bad Wolf said...

woof, then lets start

Anonymous said...

You are welcome...
The Blue Book also says just so you know Page 35 Section 8
C)The petitiioner shall deliver copies of all evidence of Election irregularities to the Executive Board, along with is petition....
The Apprentice

Big Bad Wolf said...

That is correct apprentice. Nothing can be done untill the offical election results have been annouced, then he or she has to appeal.

Anonymous said...

I believe some of you are missing the point . Contesting an election after the vote is of course in our constitition and by laws. But what iam, saying here is that we already know some of the ballots were not sent out correctly or in a timly manner. Why would a member have to contest when it isnt the vote thats in question , its the method in which the ballots were semt out , or not sent out correctly . Damm.... am I missing something here ??? just invalidate and re send the ballots. Its been done before , go look it up or ask Scott.

Anonymous said...

So that means JoAnn A. and Bad Santa are doing the bump and grind?

Signed: 3way Jay!!!
please let me in, please!!!

Anonymous said...

there's only one way to keep someone from posting as you. SET UP A REAL GOOGLE ACCOUNT!