The members have spoken. Butch Lange is your business agent. Show him your support by attending tomorrow's meeting and by contributing to the well being of the Local.
Evil Santa is very happy with all of the results of the election . We of course have a new presdient and a new chairman of the board. Both of these men will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to this local.But Evil Santa is very concerned with the run off for vice president . We have on one side a old war horse who can be a pain in the ass but has always put the men first and this local. Even though he has been in office before and has butted heads with the past officials he always put the welfare of the men first. On the other hand we have a person who didnt attend meetings for over 15 or more years at least.Never cared of gave a shit about anyone or anything this local was doing . He also has lots of anger issues. Evil Santa thinks this is a no brainer YOU GO MIKE GRAWL !!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU !!!
The members have spoken. Butch Lange is your business agent. Show him your support by attending tomorrow's meeting and by contributing to the well being of the Local.
Well, Congratulations to you, Jim Capher on running a decent campaign with integrity....
hell yes, good show jim
Evil Santa is very happy with all of the results of the election . We of course have a new presdient and a new chairman of the board. Both of these men will bring a breath of fresh air and new ideas to this local.But Evil Santa is very concerned with the run off for vice president . We have on one side a old war horse who can be a pain in the ass but has always put the men first and this local. Even though he has been in office before and has butted heads with the past officials he always put the welfare of the men first. On the other hand we have a person who didnt attend meetings for over 15 or more years at least.Never cared of gave a shit about anyone or anything this local was doing . He also has lots of anger issues. Evil Santa thinks this is a no brainer YOU GO MIKE GRAWL !!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU !!!
so who won what?
i agree with evil santa . grawl is my choice also.
Ron is the best one for the job!!!
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